In Good Health

The Colorado Health Foundation’s blog is designed to share perspectives, personal stories and what we are learning in our efforts to ensure that, across Colorado, each of us can say: “We have all we need to live healthy lives.”

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A global pandemic, a deep economic recession and a national reckoning on police violence against people of color – 2020 has been a life-changing year for many of us, including Colorado’s multifaceted Hispanic and Latino/x communities.

Across the country, Latinx people continue to be hit hard by COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, as well as skyrocketing job losses and unemployment. In...

We are nearing the end of 2020, and it’s an understatement to say that this year has been tumultuous for so many Coloradans – especially for folks who earn lower incomes. In the midst of a life-threatening pandemic, economic downfalls, civil unrest and wildfires – all among a chaotic election year – Coloradans across the state have had rethink how...

As we approach the end of 2020, it’s important to look back at this truly unprecedented year, even if we’re eager to leave it all behind. Many of us will remember a pandemic year where we’ve had to worry more about our health, keep our distance from family and friends, and struggle through home schooling our kids.​

But many Black...

Pulse Poll

On the eve of last week’s election, I told our staff unequivocally: “Regardless of the outcomes of our national and state elections, our work, our intentions, our commitment to equity will not change. If that means we are fighting upstream, if that means we are alone in our effort, then so be it.”

What the Election Revealed

Getting through Election...

Health Equity
Community Engagement
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